Olga E Glukhova
Head of the Department
Saratov State University
O.E. Glukhova, Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, now is a Head of Department of Radiotechnique and electrodynamics at Saratov State University and leads the Division of Mathematical modeling in Educational and scientific institution of nanostructures and biosystems at Saratov State University. She received her DSc degree in solid state electronics and nanoelectronics from Saratov State University in 2009. Her main fields of investigation are: nanoelectronics, molecular modeling of biomaterials and nanostructures, biomacromolecules, molecular electronics, mechanics of nanostructures, quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics, carbon nanostructures. She has published about 200 peer-reviewed journal papers and four monographs
Research Interest
Nanoelectronics, Molecular Modeling of Biomaterials and Nanostructures, Biomacromolecules, Molecular Electronics, Mechanics of Nanostructures, Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics, Carbon Nanostructures